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Authors Den

I guess if you really get down to the bare facts it's the way other authors approve or disaprove of your works. I owe a lot of gratitude to some of the authors at Without them and the appreciation from friends none of this would be possible

Those Who Helped With My Decision

Catherine Graham-Jody McConnell-Michele Close Mills-Chanti-Elga Bretton-Lori Moore-Eileen "Tiger" Lily-Karla and Karen Dorman-Labelle Rouge-Kate Burnside-Southern Horizons-Sherry Heim-Regis Auffray-Cynthia Castle-Thomas Lanechanger-Robert Jude (ACE) Foresse-Judy Lloyd-Andy Turner-Danielle Munday-Mary Rose-Janet Parker-Fawn Caldwell-Ch"erie de Perrot-Tinka Boukes. The order in which they're presented isn't designed to show favoritism. Just the order I penned them down LOL. And these are but a few so if I left anyone out it wasn't intentional.

Poets unto themselves

All of the poets mentioned above are poets in the truest sense. Each with their own style and grace. I enjoy reading them all, and feel that their honest opinions led me to publish.